October 11, 2024

A San Miguel Case Study: Uses of Technology in Experiential Marketing

The merge of marketing and technology delivers extraordinary campaigns. 

A case in point is San Miguel’s “Find Your Rich” Experiment which was a huge success. Through this experiential marketing strategy, the brand showed how experiences could prove to be more valuable than material possessions.

San Miguel Brewery, the 12th largest in the world, is a household name. And it knows exactly how to stay ahead of the curve! Time and again, the company has used the latest advertisement strategies and has seen exceptional results.

The size of the marketing technology industry was 508.9 billion in 2022, and it surged to nearly 670 billion in 2023. This growth is extraordinary; a clear indicator of the success of such promotional tools.

So read on to see how San Miguel combined marketing and technology and reaped the rewards! 

San Miguel’s ‘Find Your Rich’ Experiment

San Miguel’s “Find Your Rich” Campaign was a massive success. 

This campaign resulted in a 33% increase in the number of consumers who believed that the beer was more than just a Spanish brand. Through the stories of different trailblazers, the brand helped show that “true wealth lies in following dreams”. 

Bigger Agency picked up from there to create an exceptional experiential marketing event with the help of innovative marketing technologies for the brand. 

The idea was to show that true wealth went beyond material possessions. 

A Varied Mix of Experiences

Users were asked for their personal preferences regarding wealth and happiness.   

The experiment helped the visitors reach the answer through the use of advanced technology in marketing.

Sensory Experience: 

Guests were taken through four separate rooms where they were given different sensory stimuli.  They were unaware of the fact that these selections were based on either material wealth or experiential richness. 

These guests were then made to choose the experience they enjoyed best.   

Technology Use:

The choices made by the visitors using state-of-the-art RFID marketing technology were continuously recorded. This helped in determining which way each guest leaned; whether it was material values they preferred or whether it was experiences that they enjoyed more.

Data Collection & Personalisation:

At the end of the experiment, the guests received their very own personalised “Rich List Profile” that revealed their choice. 

Brand Engagement:  

Finally, guests were recommended the perfect San Miguel lager to suit their preferences. They could redeem this drink at the bar and share their profile on social media, helping the brand increase its reach.

San Miguel’s 'Find Your Rich' Experiment was a superb hit. It turned out to be a fulfilling experience for the guests who engaged with the brand in an enjoyable setting. It also helped to prove that technology in marketing can create extraordinary experiential marketing opportunities

Uses of Technology in Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing plays a major role in modern marketing practices. Brands now have the freedom to design exciting and memorable experiences for their customers that stay in their minds long after the event has ended.

Now that digital technology has created such a storm, this kind of marketing has also received a major makeover. 

Never before have we witnessed the likes of the immersive and interactive experiences that agencies, such as Bigger Agency, can create for their customers.

Let us see how marketing technology is being used today.

  • Virtual Reality VR 

When VR is used, brands are able to create realistic environments in which consumers have the chance to interact with different products in different settings. 

Without leaving the comfort of their homes or the physical stores, customers enjoy exciting adventures and explore new locales all thanks to the marketing technology being used.

  • Augmented Reality AR

With the help of AR, experiential marketing can go a step further. This technology in marketing merges the virtual environment with the physical one, creating a life-like interaction with the brand. Users can witness what the product or service would feel like in their actual physical environment leaving nothing to the imagination. 

No wonder that according to a survey conducted by Snapchat, over 100 million consumers are shopping using AR technology.

  • Interactive Touchscreens

Large digital and colourful touchscreens with crisp displays give consumers the control they want. Users can play around with the product and explore the services being offered by the brand. This control makes it easier for customers to reach a purchasing decision.

  • Interactive Mobile Apps

Mobile apps offer games and virtual interaction with the product with access to detailed information about the brand. Users can explore the brand in depth, play interesting games on the app and end up creating a memorable bond with the brand. 

  • Social Media Live-streaming

Marketing events can now be streamed in real time across different social media platforms. The popularity of live streaming can be gauged by the fact that by the end of 2023, around 30% of internet users watched live streams weekly.


This form of technology in marketing is a simple way of increasing participation by audiences who are not present at the event. The result is a massive increase in reach for the brand.

  • Holograms 

Holograms are an exciting feature of experiential marketing that creates immediate engagement with users. 

With the use of holograms, brands can display their products in a 3-D version which can be played with or can be viewed from different angles. 

Companies can sometimes use holograms to bring celebrities or fictional characters to life during experiential events whether for a product launch or just to create renewed buzz around the brand. 

  • Projection Mapping

Projection mapping makes use of AR in space and can do wonders for any campaign. It can create digital displays on different surfaces such as stages, walls or even buildings. 

An example is the mapping of animations and videos on monuments which makes for an awe-inspiring experience. Mapping can also be done on walls in rooms or even on entire buildings that visitors can see and enjoy.

This enjoyable marketing technology allows brands to bring their story to life in a more engaging way, capturing the attention of their audience during product launches, live events, or brand activations.

Final World

The case study of San Miguel’s “Find Your Rich” experiment is an outstanding example of what wonders can be achieved when using technology in marketing your brand.

This creative & innovative approach ensures that brands can stay relevant and exciting in overly competitive environments, such as the food & beverage industry.