September 27, 2024

CANVINO: The Importance of a Strong Brand Positioning Strategy

When marketing a product, you should have a strong brand positioning strategy in place; a strategy that lets you break away from the crowd. You want to capture the attention of your consumers. You are not a part of the herd; rather someone who is specifically sought after!  

Bigger Agency did just that for one of its clients. It successfully designed a brand positioning strategy for CANVINO, a canned wine that recently entered the market, and gave it a special identity. 

Read on to find out what brand positioning is and why it is important. 

What is brand positioning?

Brand positioning is a strategy of highlighting the qualities of the product that make it unique from its competitors. It is the positioning of the name as an answer to customer needs. It focuses on the perception of the brand in the minds of the target audiences. 

Successful positioning makes the brand the obvious choice for customers. 

Brand strategist and author, Laura Busche, brilliantly explained this in the following words;

“Positioning is finding the right parking space inside the consumer’s mind and going for it before someone else takes it.”

Let us look at an example of brand positioning that Bigger created for CANVINO.

CANVINO: Changing the norms!

We all have a certain perception of how wine should be sipped; in an elegant setting with fine glassware, and perhaps some soft music playing in the background. It brings to mind an image of refinement and class, something that has been a part of tradition for a long time. 

The arrival of canned wines has challenged this image. It is no longer a drink restricted to special occasions or celebrations. In a can, it can be sipped anywhere, anytime! 

Bigger Agency built on this idea and created a campaign for CANVINO projecting it as a wine that is premium yet portable. It is a crisp sparkling wine that can conveniently be savoured on the go. 

Suitable for the younger audience

The agency was able to create this successful branding and positioning strategy as it understood the market. Gen Z is modern and practical. They want exclusivity but without showiness. Thus CANVINO was advertised as a product that brought both premium taste and portability, in an easy-to-enjoy wine.

The design that the agency created for CANVINO was also reflective of its identity. Since the wine is high-end and modern, the design is elegant and simple. Through this design, the agency successfully made the drink seem exclusive yet accessible.

Digital content

Keeping in mind CANVINO’s young target audience the website was designed with an accessible aesthetic. There were mouthwatering visuals that helped bring the drink to life. Food stylists and photographers helped portray the wine’s flavours through the screens effectively.

Bigger Agency made sure that the company connected with the younger audience, who while they enjoy quality, wish to keep it simple!

The Importance of Brand Positioning 

With countless drinks in the markets, competition can get stiff. Carving your own niche requires careful planning and commitment. 

Businesses with consistent positioning can see a 33% increase in revenue showing how essential it is to establish themselves clearly in the market. 

And this is where a strong brand positioning strategy can be especially helpful. 

Stands out in a crowded market

Our world is saturated with products, businesses need to stand out. Capturing consumer attention is what will ultimately drive sales. A well-crafted brand positioning strategy will highlight what makes a company unique. It could be the quality of the product, price, or value that it brings to its customers. And this is what will give the business an edge over its competitors.

Builds an emotional connection

When a label comes with a story, consumers feel emotionally connected to it. If carefully done, the story can sound relatable to the audience. It is reflective of the way they live, their dreams and their hopes. This emotional connection is what makes customers seek that particular product out. 


This becomes especially effective if the right audience is targeted. Once the ideal customers are understood and a business approach is built around them, brand positioning will help the company target them effectively.

Creates a perception of value

Businesses with strong brand identities can create a strong perception of value around their products. When this is achieved, customers believe they are getting value for their money. In such a case, higher price points can be justified and customers will happily pay. Research suggests more than 36% of customers are willing to pay more if they are loyal to the name.

On the other hand, if it is positioned as being cost-effective without making any sacrifice on quality, the class of consumers looking for economical deals is sure to be lured in. 

Increases customer loyalty

A company wants long-term business. It wants a loyal customer base. And this can be achieved if it can establish trust as 89% of shoppers stay loyal to brands that share their values.

A well-planned marketing approach will let consumers know what to expect. And if they get what they were promised, they will keep coming back for more! They will pass on the word and advocate for the products, helping to increase reach. 

Provides a clear picture 

With the help of strategic positioning, businesses can tell customers what their brand is about and they can do so repeatedly. The message needs to be clear and delivered consistently. In this way, a good strategy will make it simpler for the target audience to understand what the brand stands for and will learn to appreciate its value.

How to get your strategy right

There is so much that can be done to hit the right chords with the target consumers. 

  • Identify what it is about your product that sets it apart. What does it offer that your competition does not? Now play that up! 
  • Identify your target audience. Do your research. See what clicks with them, what they are looking for and what solutions you can offer. Highlighting those properties in your brand is a confirmed way of gaining their attention.
  • Stick to the plan. All your marketing, all the campaigns across all platforms and media need to follow the same styling and strategy. 

Final Word

Great products help gain customers. Maintaining a high standard and quality can and will attract buyers. But these features can help you only go so far. 

You need to build on it. Engage your customers on the available platforms. If you can make sure you are noticed by them, you will soon reap the rewards of your well-crafted strategy.