Stimulating the senses with Brooklyn.

The North Face X Strava

Firing up the synapses is a sure-fire route to create an unforgettable experience, and that’s exactly what Brooklyn asked us to create for 2,000 of their most influential beer aficionados.

We decided to take them on a sensory journey, like no other, at the ever-cool MC Motors in Dalston. This space allowed us to take our audience through a myriad of rooms and experiences in a creative and interactive way.

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  • Client
    Brooklyn Brewery
  • Sector
    Food and Drink
  • Services
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A Sensory journey

Each area had its own feels, tastes, scents and sounds which all pointed back to the brewery in a surreal, creative way - embodying the Brooklyn progressive creativity.

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Welcomed by pink flamingos, surfboards, a Californian sunset and a real beach, the Tart of the Tropics was the perfect environment for Brooklyn's Passion of The Mango brew.

Adventurers journeyed on through a full-on indoor forest, with hidden bars to enjoy a top up and machines where you could 3D print your face onto a lollipop, to drinking beer using night vision goggles and not to mention eating cooked offal from a plaster cast body which celebrated the limited edition cloaking device brew!

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